We end Food Insecurity
while Saving our Planet

Credit humanity works with food rescue organizations to convert rescued food into co2 equivalents equal to a carbon credit to provide carbon credits and carbon offsets to mitigate climate change and reduce emissions

A staggering 44.2 million people in the US struggled with Food Insecurity in 2022, according to the USDA.

Credit humanity converts rescued food into carbon credits

Rescue Organizations are heros fighting hunger providing food to millions of people. In 2022 alone, they've rescued an astonishing 5 billion lbs of food.

This rescued food also helps combat Climate Change as it would have gone into landfills and increased Methane Emissions.

But the good news is: every pound of Food Rescued can qualify as a Carbon Credit.

Here's where Credit Humanity comes in:

We take the incredible work of Food Rescue Organizations a step further. We measure and verify the Food Rescued. The measured food is then converted into a Carbon Credit. Then those credits are sold to businesses who need to offset their emissions, demonstrate their commitment to sustainability, and create goodwill.

Credit Humanity then shares the revenue from the sale of the Carbon Credits with the Food Rescue Organization further supporting their work.

How it Works

Credit humanity works with food rescue organizations to convert rescued food into co2 equivalents equal to a carbon credit to provide carbon credits and carbon offsets to mitigate climate change and reduce emissions

One Act of Kindness
can feed the hungry
AND save the planet

Credit humanity works with food rescue organizations to convert rescued food into co2 equivalents equal to a carbon credit to provide carbon credits and carbon offsets to mitigate climate change and reduce emissions

Let's create a Sustainable Future Together
one Rescued pound of Food at a time.

Food Rescue Organizations: Your dedication to fighting hunger can be further rewarded. Partner with Credit Humanity and unlock a new stream of support!

Corporate Sponsors: Take your sustainability efforts to the next level. Purchase Carbon Credits with a powerful story – you're helping fight hunger and protecting the planet, all at once. So, you achieve your environmental goals while supporting organizations that feed communities! This is a wonderful win-win story that will positively impact how you are viewed!

Let's Discuss how we can Benefit your Organization.
Schedule a Call Today >>

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